New release of FM-VIEWER Movie (December 10 2021)
Free FM-VIEWER for Firefighting Simulation Program was released on November 15 2021.
In addition to this, we provide demo movies showing actual use of FM-VIEWER for further your understand on our simulation programs.
The movies of the following four programs have been prepared. Click here to watch the movies.
- Heat radiation simulation
- foam monitor mapping software (Trajectory simulation)
- Water monitor mapping software (Trajectory simulation)
- Tank fire extinguishing simulation
Simulation results by these programs are used for firefighting simulation for customers’ own plant layout, simulation training tools for firefighting activities in various situations such as changes in wind direction and speed etc.
Please watch the movies at first so that you can easily understand the contents of our program and functions, operability and expressiveness of FM-VIEWER.
Also, you can imagine what you can do by FM-VEWER and will find the value of them.