Free FM-VIEWER Download

You can download free FM-VIEWER and Sample Simulation Result shown on the plant layout on this page.
The preparation and the procedure form installation to startup for FM-VIEWER are described as below.

Installation Procedure

- Preparation

Installation of “AutoCAD” and "Microsoft VBA module for AutoCAD"

Before installation of FM-VIEWER, you need to install "AutoCAD" and "Microsoft VBA module for AutoCAD."
Not required if already installed.  
If you do not have AutoCAD, please purchase a new one or use the 30-day trial version.

Click here to purchase AutoCAD.

Click here to download AutoCAD 30-days trial version.

(Note) When you move to the AutoCAD download page from the above link, the message "Just need to
           view a file? You don't need to download the software." is displayed. However the operation of
           the FM-VIEWER requires AutoCAD itself. Please proceed to download as it is.

Click here to download Microsoft VBA module for AutoCAD(for free).

- Installation of FM-VIEWER


First, click here to download free FM-VIEWER.

(note) When downloaded with Google Chrome, the caution meanings that " is not commonly
           downloaded and could be dangerous" may be displayed, but there is no problem with the file itself. 
           You can download it by clicking hat mark "^" on the right side of the message and selecting "Continue."


(1) Unzip "" (You will find “FMViewer folder” and “FPECOUT folder.”)

(2) Copy both FMViewer folder and the FPECOUT folder to just under the C drive.

(3) Add “C:¥FMViewer” to Support File Search Path of AutoCAD.

-- Start AutoCAD and enter “options” in the command field at the bottom of AutoCAD screen, and then press Enter. The options page shows up.


→Option page appears as below, and then, select the "File" tab, and add “C:¥FMViewer” to Support File Search Path. (Refer to the red notes below)

- Download of Sample Simulation Results file

Please download Sample Simulation Result by clicking the file name in the table below.

Sample Simulation
 Results file

Fires simulated

Simulation program to be used in FM-VIEWER



  • Spill fire at the process area (the pump yard)
  • Heat radiation simulation
  • Foam monitor mapping software (Trajectory simulation)
  • Water monitor mapping software (Trajectory simulation)
  • This simulation result file does not work in Tank fire extinguishing simulation.
  1. Tank fire at T-211 crude oil tank
  2. Spill fire inside the dike of the diesel tank
  1.  Tank fire at T-211 crude oil tank
    - Tank fire extinguishing simulation
    - Water monitor mapping software (Trajectory simulation)

  2. Spill fire inside the dike of the diesel tank
    - Heat radiation simulation
    - Foam monitor mapping software (Trajectory simulation)
    - Water monitor mapping 
  • The tank fire extinguishing simulation requires a linking between foam monitors and tanks to be extinguished.
  • The tank fire extinguishing simulation supports only tank fires, not spill fires.
  • The heat radiation simulation supports tank fires and spill fires.


FM-VIEWER startup procedure

Startup procedure

(1) Double-click a Sample Simulation Results file.

(2) AutoCAD starts automatically.

(note) The following message may be displayed several times during automatic startup,
          but select "Always load."

(3) Then FM viewer (control panel) starts automatically.

(4) Operate according to on-screen instructions

The control panel is basically arranged with buttons according to the order of operation. Also, when you mouseover on the buttons, Control Tip Text is displayed and you can check the operation instructions.

Precautions for FM-VIEWER operation

- Re-display of control panel

Esc to exit

When you operate the 3D map screen, the control panel is hidden from the screen.

To return to the control panel, press Esc on the keyboard and the control panel will be re-displayed.

Also, if you click by mistake, you can press Esc to display the last displayed control panel.

During operating the 3D map screen, the control panel is hidden from the screen.

Press Esc to re-display the control panel.


Press Enter after multiple selection

The control panel is hidden from the screen when operating the multiple selection, such as when selecting multiple monitors to be simulated.

In the example below, two large foam monitors are selected for tank fire extinguishing simulation.
Then press Enter to run the simulation.

After completing the simulation, the control panel will be re-displayed.


【During multiple selection】 two large foam monitors are selected. The control panel is hidden.


【In the completion of the simulation】 Press Enter to run the simulation. After completing the simulation, the control panel will be re-displayed.

- Monitors

A foam monitor, a water monitor and a large foam monitor are displayed in Sample Simulation Result as below.
The color of bodies of monitors is changed when selecting monitors.
When selecting foam monitors, please click on the body of monitor or vehicle, not on the nozzle.

  Foam monitor  Water monitor Large foam monitor


System requirement of FM Viewer

As for the system requirement of FM-VIEWER, it is sufficient to have the system requirement of AutoCAD2022 (the latest version).

Click here to confirm the system requirement of AutoCAD.